The Foundation

 Education | Innovation | Inspiration | Integration

The Racine Foundation oversees an effective distribution of your contributions to the programs in our four topic areas delivering visibility into the impact on and intended benefit of your contribution dollars. When you make a contribution to the Racine Foundation, you make the decision of where your contribution goes, and how it’s spent.

With more than 50 years of combined experience in information technology and program Management we combine appropriate tools through our Racine Portal to give you visibility into the intended results of the program. 

The portal will help you know what is happening in real time on the programs you support with metrics that allow you to gauge the programs’s progress.

We welcome discussing with you details of your program for possible inclusion into our focus areas or your contributions to the programs below that we currently support. 

As a multifaceted organization, the Racine Foundation is also making efforts to create programs of our own that coincide with our mission and goals for global impact along with our selected programs below.

Ready to help us make a difference?